London's East End Synagogues, cemeteries and more......

My personal journey through the Jewish East End of London

e.mail thoughts & memories to: Phil Twitter: @Philslondon


Jewish Walking tours with Phil - explore your Jewish roots
If you would like me to give you a guided walking tour of the Jewish East End of London or perhaps of Jewish Soho in the West End of London, please email: Phil  Read more about my tours here
Fieldgate Street synagogue closed in 2012.  The building is still standing in 2014.  The story of their Purim scroll is below:
Fieldgate Street synagogue, London E1 Fieldgate Street synagogue
Fieldgate Street synagogue, London E1 Fieldgate Street synagogue

These photos were taken in Fieldgate Street synagogue, London E1, Purim, 2006. The scroll of Esther (megillah) used is very special, a
s Torah scribe Avielah Barclay has commented:

I've really enjoyed looking at these pictures magnified - so much to be seen! Yes, I agree it's beautifully written, and the spacing not just the lettering is excellent, so it must have been a real joy to read. The script is German or possibly Polish (Prussian? Pomeranian?) and Chassidic so the sofer was Ashkenazi and a mystic. Very good quality iron-gall ink, too. Very interesting that the Aseret B'nai Haman are written in Sefardi script, then reverts back to the original Ashkenazi ketav Arizal.

Sons of Haman listed in the Purim scroll Reading the Megillah
Sons of Haman listed in the Purim scroll Reading the Megillah
Reverend David Silverstein on the bimah with the Megillah Fieldgate Street synagogue interior looking towards the Ark
Reverend David Silverstein on the bimah with the Megillah Fieldgate Street synagogue interior looking towards the Ark
Open Ark at Fieldgate Street synagogue David Silverstein of Fieldgate Street synagogue
Open Ark at Fieldgate Street synagogue  David Silverstein of Fieldgate Street synagogue 


Twitter: @Philslondon

website copyright of Philip Walker